Why More Than 50% of Businesses Using AT&T, Verizon, and Frontier Are Overpaying for Basic Phone Service

In today’s competitive business environment, communication is key. Yet, more than 50% of businesses are still relying on basic wireline phone services from major providers like AT&T, Verizon, and Frontier. These corporations may offer phone connectivity, but the limitations of their services leave businesses paying significantly more than necessary while lacking essential modern features. For many businesses, this is a costly and outdated approach.


The Hidden Costs of Traditional Phone Systems

When businesses choose phone services from AT&T, Verizon, or Frontier, they are typically required to invest in additional infrastructure. These services provide little more than plain phone connectivity, forcing companies to purchase, install, and maintain their own phone systems. This investment includes costly PBX hardware, ongoing maintenance fees, and, in many cases, hiring IT staff to manage the system. The upfront and ongoing costs associated with these traditional phone services add up quickly.

Moreover, despite these investments, businesses still end up with very few advanced features. Call routing, voicemail-to-email, and other productivity-enhancing tools are often not included or come with additional costs. In contrast, modern hosted phone service providers, like Cebod Telecom, offer these features as part of their standard packages.

The Advantage of Hosted Phone Systems

Hosted phone services, such as those provided by Cebod Telecom, offer a more cost-effective and feature-rich alternative to the basic phone services from major corporations. Instead of investing in expensive hardware and managing phone systems, businesses can leverage Cebod Telecom’s hosted PBX solution, which is entirely cloud-based. This means that all hardware and system management is taken care of by the provider, resulting in significant savings on installation, maintenance, and operational costs.

Not only does Cebod Telecom eliminate the need for costly infrastructure, but it also offers a range of advanced phone system features such as:

  • Automated call routing
  • Voicemail-to-email
  • Call recording
  • Advanced reporting
  • And more

These features enhance business productivity and ensure fewer missed calls, which can directly impact customer satisfaction and sales.

Save Up to 70% on Telecom Costs

Businesses that switch from AT&T, Verizon, or Frontier to Cebod Telecom’s hosted phone service can see savings of up to 70% on their monthly telecom bill. Traditional providers charge a premium for basic phone lines and additional fees for every feature, whereas Cebod Telecom offers an all-in-one solution with no hidden fees (Check out the Phone Service Pricing). This not only improves cost efficiency but also streamlines business communication.

In addition to financial savings, businesses benefit from the flexibility of a cloud-based system. Employees can access the phone system from anywhere, which is crucial for remote work and distributed teams in today’s business environment.

The Bottom Line

Businesses that continue to use AT&T, Verizon, or Frontier for plain phone services are missing out on significant savings and features. By switching to Cebod Telecom’s hosted phone service, companies can reduce their telecom bills by up to 70%, improve call management, and eliminate the need for costly hardware. The result is a more efficient, feature-rich, and affordable communication solution that supports modern business needs.

In the long run, hosted phone systems like Cebod Telecom are not only more cost-effective but also offer the flexibility and features that businesses need to stay competitive. If your business is still using outdated phone services, it’s time to make the switch.